Phone numbers


670031, Russia, the Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Grazhdanskaya street, 20

Reston Hotel is situated 2 km from the center of Ulan-Ude.

The airport «Baikal» is located 11 km from the Hotel, that takes 20-30 minutes to get by taxi and about 40 minutes by public transport:
- shuttle bus 77 (from the bus stop "Airport" to the bus stop "Babushkina street").

The distance from the Railway Staion is about 5 km.  It takes 10-15 minutes by taxi and and 20-30 minutes by public transport:
- shuttle bus 63 or 36 (from the bus stop "the Railway Station" to the bus stop "Babushkina street");
- tram 1 (from the bus stop "Odon" to the bus stop "Babushkina street".

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